Who Is Novak Djokovic’s Wife? All About Jelena Djokovic

Novak Djokovic. One name, a world of tennis dominance. This Serbian superstar has shattered records and captured hearts on and off the court. But beyond the trophies and headlines lies a woman whose support is as unyielding as Novak’s backhand – his wife, Jelena Djokovic.

Jelena isn’t simply a spectator in Novak’s orbit. A devoted wife, mother, humanitarian, and successful businesswoman, she shines brightly all on her own.

So, who is the woman behind the champion? Let’s dive into Jelena’s life and the love story that has weathered the storms of fame and competition.

Jelena and Novak: A Love Match from the Start

Novak Djokovic's Wife
Novak Djokovic’s Wife

Their story isn’t a whirlwind Hollywood romance, but a testament to a bond nurtured over time. Jelena and Novak first crossed paths as teenagers in their Serbian high school. Sparks flew, fueled by a shared passion for tennis and a deep connection that only grew stronger with time.

After eight years of dating came the moment fans awaited – Novak popped the question in glamorous Monte Carlo in 2013.

Jelena’s Path: Education, Philanthropy, and Family

While Novak’s tennis career skyrocketed, Jelena wasn’t content to rest on his laurels. Driven and ambitious, she pursued her dreams of international education, securing a spot at the prestigious Bocconi University in Milan. Her studies? Luxury brand management – a field she’d later dabble in as a model.

Despite the distance and Novak’s relentless schedule, their love endured. Jelena’s unwavering support is a constant in Novak’s success story. But her identity transcends the role of ‘tennis wife’.

After graduating, Jelena’s focus shifted to something greater than herself. She became the National Director of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, an organization dedicated to empowering disadvantaged Serbian children through early education – a cause close to both their hearts.

The Djokovic Family: Expanding Their Circle of Love

2014 was a whirlwind year. A Wimbledon victory followed by an idyllic wedding in the coastal paradise of Sveti Stefan, Montenegro. But even greater joy was on the horizon: the birth of their son, Stefan, later that year.

In 2017, daughter Tara joined the family, completing their picture of happiness. Two adorable children and a pair of beloved poodles, Pierre and Tesla, make up the Djokovic household. Jelena embraces motherhood with the same passion she puts into everything else.

You’ll often find Jelena courtside, her eyes locked on Novak during his matches. Yet, she’s not your typical cheering spouse. Aware of the pressure on Novak, her support is measured, a silent pillar of strength he can rely on.

Don’t get it wrong, she’s as passionate as any fan, but understands her role is to be his safe harbor, not an additional source of tension during high-intensity matches.

It’s a testament to their love that milestones often align with victories. Their 8th wedding anniversary? Marked by a Wimbledon win in 2022. Novak’s record-breaking 10th Australian Open title and 22nd Grand Slam? Jelena was by his side, beaming with pride. She’s his rock, his confidante, and his most ardent supporter.

More Than Just Mrs. Djokovic

Jelena is determined to leave her own mark on the world. Her humanitarian work remains central to her life, reflecting a deep-rooted desire to give back.

She’s also passionate about health and wellness, often sharing snippets of her active lifestyle on social media – from scenic hikes to intense Capoeira training sessions.


Where did Jelena Djokovic grow up? 

 Serbia, the same country as her husband, Novak.

What did Jelena Djokovic study in college? 

She earned a degree in luxury brand management from Bocconi University in Milan

What is the Novak Djokovic Foundation?

A charity founded by Novak and Jelena dedicated to providing early childhood education opportunities to underprivileged children in Serbia.

How many children does Jelena Djokovic have?

Two – a son named Stefan and a daughter named Tara.

Does Jelena Djokovic play tennis? 

While she played tennis in high school, her focus now is primarily on her family and philanthropic work.

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